
In our busy lives we can feel that we spend a lot of our time going through the motions without experiencing the fullness of our lives.

“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally” Jon Kabat-Zinn

There can be many demands on us emotionally and physically ,at work and at home. It may feel like there is no space for ourselves.  We may feel we are operating on autopilot. We can often find we are lost in thoughts of how we think our lives should be going. Blaming ourselves, or others ,or life itself when things are not going exactly the way we would like them to be going! This is all very human. We are doing our best to deal with what life presents to us. Often the way we habitually deal with stress or difficulty no longer works for us.

Mindfulness offers us an opportunity to stop and pay attention to what is really going on in the present moment. It can offer us a choice of how we can respond to our lives and all the activity in it rather than being caught in a chain of reactivity and stress.

There is nothing mystical about mindfulness meditation, it in fact it is very ordinary. It is about being present to our lives just as we are in a gentle and accepting way.

We all have this awareness, a natural intelligence within us and an ability to become awake to the present moment. It gets blocked by busyness and habits that distract us from being present to the here and now.

Mindfulness is a purposeful stopping, to notice what actually is going on right now in this moment and uncovering our true nature.

 “Mindfulness meditation doesn’t change life. Life remains as fragile and as unpredictable as ever. Meditation changes the heart’s capacity to accept life as it is.”    Sylvia Boorstein

Background to the 8 Week Mindfulness Based  Stress Reduction Programme ( MBSR)

The 8 Week Mindfulness Stress reduction course  was Developed by Jon Kabat Zinn in 1979 at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. Mindfulness  is rooted in  eastern spiritual traditions. Jon Kabat Zinn created a secular programme combining  the ancient eastern practices of meditation  with western science , medicine and psychology to provide a secular programme that is accessible to all. The mindfulness programme over the last 38 years has been subject to clinical research to access the benefits of the practice . To find out more information see link Center for MIndfulness UMASS medical school

About The Mindfulness Course

The 8 week mindfulness course is a practical programme introducing meditation practices in ways that we can integrate into our everyday lives.

This  course is an invitation to practice with a group for two and a half hours each week for 8 weeks, discovering the skills of mindfulness.

Together in the group we will be learning simple practices, exploring how:

  • To increase your awareness.
  • To pay attention to all your experience, body sensations, thoughts, moods and emotions.
  • To interact with your thoughts and emotions in a more compassionate way
  • To meet the difficulties in life; stress, anxiety, illness, emotional and physical pain
  • To develop a kinder, more friendly attitude towards yourself and your experience

MIndfulness practices are simple but not always easy . We are all very easily distracted. It takes time  and commitment to begin to uncover our natural capacity to be present, to develop a new habit of coming back to the present moment in a gentle non judgemental way. We have to practice. Just as  we would put time into learning a musical instrument or any physical training we have to give the time to our mindfulness practice.

Home practice is an important part of the programme. To support our training in mindfulness, a commitment to practice at home is strongly encouraged. You will receive handouts and guided audio practices to support your home practice. There will also be a  full day of mindfulness practice.

Before the course  begins there is an individual orientation meeting with each participant. This helps to give you a greater sense of what the course entails before committing to the 8 week programme.

To see details of the next 8 week mindfulness course taking place in Killaloe click the link below

News and Events

If you are interested in participating in an 8 week course email ornacooke13@gmail.com  or call at 087 6535872.

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