
TRE is a process, developed by David Berceli PhD, that works directly with the body’s natural intelligence and ability to regulate.

When we have received any shock or trauma to our system, whether it is from an accident, emotional or physical abuse, or a build-up of long-term stress; our body in order to protect itself goes into the fight, flight or freeze mechanism. This is a primitive response to shock, threat or fear and is healthy in that it protects our system.  Often however we can get stuck in this loop of high alert. Our bodies do not get the opportunity to release the threat response and to come back into balance. This being stuck can lead to chronic tension in our bodies, resulting in pain and in the long-term ill-health. Our bodies in high alert mode can also lead to experiencing anxiety and fear even when the perceived threat has passed. Working with others who have been traumatised can also affect our nervous system and we may find overtime that our body is carrying the tension and symptoms of vicarious trauma.

Our reactions to trauma are initially physiological, therefore one of the keys to understanding trauma is to pay attention to the physiology of the body. Examining animals in the wild and their response to stress and trauma it has been identified that they have an innate mechanism to recover from life threatening situations. A key element in this recovery is the tremoring mechanism. As humans, we also have this innate mechanism.

David Berceli, working with traumatised communities around the world, recognised the universal physiological reaction to trauma. He began to study this physiological response and developed a series of easy, gentle exercises, that safely activate the body’s natural tremor mechanism. These gentle tremors reverberate outwards along the spine releasing tension from the sacrum to the cranium. These neurogenic tremors release stress patterns in the body and allow the body to return to its natural state of balance. This process focuses on the body’s natural ability to recover from shock and trauma and does not involve a re-traumatising of the body. In the TRE process our trauma story is not important, the focus is on the body’s ability to recover. The emphasis is to remain with the body and out of our heads, the thinking mind. After a TRE session we may experience a clarity of thought and understanding. Generally, a greater sense of ease in the body is experienced.

Click on the following link to find out more about the TRE process   What is TRE

Orna is a certified TRE provider and has had the fortune to do advanced training with David Berceli in Poland.


I have found TRE a wonderful resource in my own life. It is a process that brings me more into the body and helps to ease the busy mind .

TRE  complements all body work  practices, yoga and mindfulness meditation.

TRE focuses on self empowerment and awakens a confidence in the body’s ability to recover from trauma.

TRE Classes

In a TRE class you will learn
* How the process works (a simple explanation of the physiology behind the process.)
* How to do the exercises safely
* How to activate the tremors
* How to self regulate and to take care of yourself in the process.
At the end of the class you will have a sense of how, if suitable, you can do these exercises at home.

I also provide  individual TRE sessions.

For further information on classes or an individual session call me 0876535872 or email